First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
What is your title/role in the organization?
What are the racial/ethnic demographics of your students, clients, or constituents?
Please feel free to indicate if you are uncertain about the specific answer.
What are the racial/ethnic demographics of your organization?
Please delineate the racial/ethnic composition of each tier of the organization, e.g. "administrative staff", "teaching staff" (for schools); "board members", "service providers" (for non-profits). Please feel free to indicate if you are uncertain about the specific answer,
What supports do you seek?
Please check all that apply. If none do, please write a brief description of what type of supports your organization seeks in the second-to-last answer-field below.
Professional Development Workshop(s)/Presentation(s)
1:1 Executive Coaching
Administrative/Leadership Coaching for Groups
Instructional Coaching
Lecture or Keynote Address
Are you considering our firm for more than one professional development experience or a series of engagements?
What is the size of the audience you wish to serve with this/these professional development experience(s)?
Of the categories listed below, which best describe the learning opportunities that you/your organization would like explore?
Please check all that apply.
The Intersection of Race & Schooling
The Intersection of Culture & Schooling
Culturally Responsive Instruction
Instruction for Bilingual Learners
District or Organizational Leadership
The Politics of Non-Profit Organizations
Please provide us with 2 -3 prospective dates and times that we may deliver your professional development experience(s):
What is the goal or objective that you wish to achieve with this/these support(s)?
If the point of contact for your organization is not the person named above, please provide their information below (first/last name, email and/or phone number):
Please use this space to provide us with any additional relevant information: